
Accounting handling

Drawing up of financial statements

Presentation of extensive information on business management

Representation of clients before tax inspectorates and other state authorities

We handle accounting with the accounting software Optimum. The software grants wide possibilities of obtaining analytical information at various levels and allows grouping data for making decisions necessary for corporate governance.

We grant possibilities to our clients to have Internet access to their databases: the clients at any time can access their companies’ data and/or get the necessary documents or statements printed.

When handling the accounting we assume the obligation to keep companies’ commercial secrets confidential and refrain from disclosing information, received by us when performing services under agreements, to the third parties without the client’s consent.


Consultations on the issues of corporate governance and share capital formation

Consultation of the issues of the property, tax and labour law.

Consultations on the issues of the value added, profit, residents’ income and other taxes.

Kindly please agree in advance on the time of consultations convenient for you by telephone.


+370 670 08645



Laisvės al. 47A-6, Kaunas